Research and Innovation as a driver of food systems transformation
The Bulgarian Presidency of the European Council is organising the 2nd FOOD 2030 High Level Event. The Flagship Conference will take place from June 14-15, 2018 in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. It will be dedicated to research and innovation (R&I) as a driver of food systems transformation, such that our food systems become sustainable, resilient, responsible, diverse and competitive.
The conference programme will feature plenaries with keynote speakers, parallel breakout sessions with interactive panel debates, a cultural performance and an exhibition space showcasing innovative research initiatives, networks, start-ups and sustainable food technologies.
The high level event will provide a platform for dialogue, feedback and recommendations for policy makers and funders, researchers and educators, the private sector as well as civil society towards:
- Understanding the complexity of food systems and implications for R&I
- Building R&I ecosystems and place-based solutions to support food systems transformation,
- Strengthening R&I alignment and investments through better governance
- Boosting future investments in R&I in Europe, leverage private investments and increase synergies with public funding
- Identifying how, who and what R&I in needed to transform our food systems
Visit the conference website for further information and registration: