2018 International Congress of Genetics in Brasil
The Brazilian Society of Genetics (SBG) and the Latin American Association of Genetics (ALAG) will welcome the XXII International Congress of Genetics that will be held in Foz de Iguaçu, Brasil. The Congress will run from September 10 to 14, 2018 and will have the overarching theme of “Genetics for a World in Evolution”. The XXII International Congress of Genetics is organised under the auspices of the International Genetics Federation (IGF).
The Argentinian TomGEM partner Fernando Carrari of the University of Argentina will give a presentation during the congress entitled “(Epi)Genetic bases and molecular mechanism of the plant metabolism regulation. Its importance for yield and nutritional values of plant crops.”
The International Congress of Genetics has been held every five years since 1899, hosted in cities around the world. The 2018 Congress will be the first to be held in South America, providing unparalleled access to the Congress for people from the continent, allowing them to meet with their peers from around the world.
Further information about the congress is available here: https://www.sbg.org.br/pt-br/noticias/2018-international-congress-genetics